This is Transonic Boy with tips on playing dark dragonair and dark

I have to say that dark dragonite is not useless.  I use him in a deck I
call Dragon Blast and it is a highly modified Raindance.  Dark dragonair is
excellent in any deck that uses evolutions, and once you get him out
bringing dark dragonite out is automatic.  A good strategy is once you get
dark dragonair, pull out another dark dragonair on one turn and a dark
dragonite on the next turn.  Evolve the dark dragonair into dark dragonite
and you can pull two basic pokemon out of your deck.  Pull a dratini out and
you've got another dark dragonair on your bench on the next turn and you can
repeat the whole process -- dragon deja vu.  This combo is super speedy and
makes the amount  of card drawing trainers needed a little lighter because I
can use pokemon powers to draw the pokemon I need mid-game.  With two dark
dragonair/dragonite combos (easy to pull off in succession) you can fill
your bench with whatever basic/evolution line you want -- extremely useful
in a Wigglytuff deck -- especially in the wake of Prop 15-c3 where trainers
are limited and pokemon powers can make up for that limitation.  Add in
Koga's Pidgey with Messenger and you've got a deck where you're going to get
out your basic/evolution lines very quickly.  If you power up dark
dragonite, his attack can be lethal.  Last tourney I played, I took three
prizes in three straight turns with Giant Tail, an attack that (when it
works, 50%) can decimate a Haymaker deck.  Dark Dragonite: definitely not
useless; definitely deserves its reputation as the "god of destruction."

Transonic Boy

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Kevin Vaughan-Brubaker
Data Specialist, Southwest Human Development
Master of Fine Arts Candidate, Creative Writing
Preparing Future Faculty Fellow
Research Associate, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Arizona State University
Poetry Editor, Hayden's Ferry Review