Shortly after the Team Rocket Expansion come out, I got bored with the
Pokemon TCG, mainly because there aren't a lot of tourney's where I live. 
Just tonight, Nov. 4, I went and bought 4 packs of Gym Heroes Boosters.  The
week before I bought Sabrina's theme deck, just to check out what the new
cards were like.  I got on the TCG Tips & Strat. on Pojo to find a lot of
Rants about Archetypes, a lot more than there as before I had strayed away
from the TCG.  I'm not going to lie, I use a Wiggly deck, Wiggly, Jiggly,
Scyther, MP Mewtwo, Sabrina's Gastly, and one Neo pokemon (Gilgar, I think is
his English name).  Yes, I know whats going through everyone's mind (if they
haven't stopped reading already), "Gee, another guy defending those
un-original archetypes, how surprising", hear me out, though.  I never could
spend tons of money or compete in tourney's to win booster's or money for
booster's, so I took the cards I had and tried to make deck after deck after
deck,  I tried archetypes, non-archetypes, everything, until I began to
construct a deck with Wiggly after I got my third Wiggly in a booster one
day.  I playtested the deck liked the way things worked out against some
people, I tweaked it and got better at using it. 
    I began to love my Wiggly deck as I got better cards to make it work, I'd
win some, lose some, but I still kept with it until I had my deck at
perfection, in my eyes.  With Gym here, i'm adding some new cards like No
Removal Gym, Energy Flow, etc. to keep my deck up to snuff with all the new
strategies and decks that might appear in the months to come.  But after I
read the rants bashing and wanting to ban archetypes and archetype pokemon, I
was really surprised.  I expected people to want to bash archetypes, but ban,
sure, some cards are broken, but if you've got 4 Hitmonchan in your
collection, with 4 Scyther, and see that you've got something that might work
well, would'nt you use it to? 
    I went through hundred's of booster's before I could build the deck I
have built, and I'm proud of my deck, It took me a long time to perfect it to
where I wanted it to be, it also took a lot of money, a whole lot.  I'm sorry
if some of you have problems with archetype pokemon like Wiggly, Blastoise,
'Chan, MP Mewtwo, Scyther, etc.  But give people like me a break once in
awhile, were just average people looking for a good hobby to past the time
with,  and if we just happen to use archetypes, so be it.