Adults are ruining the fun of pokemon. They think everything revolves around
their kid (i'm just rationalizing, not all parents do this)
I've tried to trade with children and been told I was trying to rip a kid off
because their kid's card was worth 50 cents more than mine.
Parents inturupt games and make players feel bad. I've seen many a parent
celebrate after their kid wins. How would you feel to be an 8 yeal old and
see a grown 34 year old man and his son taunting your loss. It hurts.
I've had times where parents come up to me in the middle of a game and say
"You must be cheating, Mr.Mime can't do that!" I try to stay calm but I
Not only are the parents ruining it but so are card stores. Selling a card
for 60 and then offering the owner of the exact same card a mere 3 bucks is
not ok. Sure, maybe it's store policy that you only pay 3 for holos but at
least you can sell them for a decent price! I guess what I'm saying is that
pokemon would be a lot better if adults weren't interfering with everything.