Hello again!

I decided for all the newbies out there I would post a
series of reviews on specific colours. for today-

For a summary of lightning's pokés, I think cougar
said it best- "scuicidal bench killers."
I mean even our friend electabuzz does damage to

musts for a lightning deck-

with lightning's general weakness to fight, it is
ESSENTIAL that you pack either scythers or zapdoses to
combat this. you will crash and burn if you do
otherwise and play a deck that even just has a trace
fighting in it.

Electabuzz- (duh!!! =D self explanatory since it kicks
major @$$) 

something with a strong attack- the things I just
mentioned earlier (bar zapdos) are perfect choices to
fill this category. This is just my opinion, but
electric pokés seem to do little damage to the active
but tons to the bench, so I included this bit. your
opinion may differ from mine, of course.

types of lightnin' decks-

buzzapdos-(my own cool name for this deck, =) )
this deck focuses on buzzaping base electrodes into
double energy to power up a zapdos FAST. then they
deploy the zapdos and go on a killing rampage until
the thunderbird dies, then they just buzzap again.

bench killer-
this deck builds up fossil zapdoses, jungle 'trodes,
and fossil raichus and start damaging the bench. they
usually have some heavy-hitter in them to compensate
for the minimal damage done by the afformentioned
pokémon to the active. good at getting multiple prizes
in one turn.

an overall summary of the type-
props- (oh, and this isn't a run-on sentence,BTW)
manipulate the bench REALLY well
base electrode, electabuzz and raichus just ROCK!!!
can combat their own weakness fairly well w/ zapdos

the best bench-destroying attacks BLOW since they kill
your guy and damage your bench, too.
- they do very little damage to an active poké (the
exception being the ones that know selfdestruct & the
like, but they kill themselves)
-recoil on a LOT of the poké's attacks
-need large amounts of energy or base 'trode, which
gives your opponent a free prize
- has that over-hyped rat in it x(

in general-

lightning can be made to work, but it needs support to
be properly played. a fragile type, but also a very
cool one. Expect to see these decks in force once gym
II is released and we see the TR zapdos.(better than
'buzz, how broken is that!!!)

mail flames, general comments, exorbited amounts of
money,... [voice from somewhere in the back calls:]
"screw it already, just give them your email"

anyway, email [large list of miscellaneous items] to sambo_srep@yahoo.com

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