Hello, Pokepeople, today i am going to talk about a some things that tick me off.

1. The people who rant and rave about archeatypes.
Now, I don't like archeatypes that much either, but people shouldn't write articles about how they hate Haymaker, Raindance, Damage Swap, etc. These people should actually do something about it.  If they hate them(archeatypes) so much, they should look around to see what types of these popular decks that people play around them.  Then they could build an anti-raindance, anti-hay, etc. BUT IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A DECK SUCH AS ANTI-HAY, MAKE SURE YOU'RE NOT BUILDING A HAYMAKER.  For example, when some people build anti-hay, they put in Magmar for Scyther, Scyther for Hitmonchan, and Hitmonchan for Electabuzz. Hmm.. This is getting pretty familiar, am I building say, a haymaker?
The answer to that is yes. 

2. People who want "invincible" decks.
I am going to say this. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN INVINCIBLE DECK!!  I am going to repeat that again.  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN INVINCIBLE DECK!!  There is no deck that is resistant to every type. If there were, we would all be playing it right now..  I have seen people who sends email to the Deck Mechanics saying they want an invincible deck.  These people send decks with 4+ types.  Their deck gets bashed and they end up embarassing themselves.

See Ya later!! 
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