OK, now it is time for part IV of my series of colour analysis - fire

summary- cheap, discarding attacks is the best way to describe fire. they are fairly high HP wise, but suck up the energy.

Types of fire decks -

wilfire stall - this involves stacking energy on a moltres while you have a staller up front, then wildfiring with all your energies on moltres, didcarding a pile of cards off your opponent's deck, making them run out of cards. you need moltres , a good staller, and loads of the red stuff.

 firespin -

this deck involves loading a charizard with energy and KOing everything in sight. you need charizards, lots of them BTW, breeders , charmanders (preferably the new rocket one since it gives itself energy) a staller, loads of fire energy, and four energy retrievals.

sagefire -

similar to firespin , except you use grass pokés such and venusaur to energy trans grass energies to charizard and energy burn them for a fire spin. you need baisically the same as above except a venusaur line & grass energy.

the cleaner -

a really cool deck invented by Michael-Henry Brown. (to my knowledge, anyway) It involves using grass pokés to KO 3 pokémon with status affects, while you pump up an arcanine on the bench. once you draw 3 prizes, let all hell break loose as you release the hounds and kick the crap out of everything left. you need koffings, fossil magmars, tangelas & the arcanine line for this one.

fire blast deck -

KO stuff w/ magmars then send out a ninetales. ouch. you need ninetales, fossil magmars, ponyta & rapidash, & sometimes the RK9 line.

general summary-

fire are a pretty cool type. their main drawback is their big attacks cost a fair amount and they discard. other than that, their main problem is raindance. If you want to play a truly viable fire deck, use some guys from gym II and pack cinnabar island gyms. Oh, BTW, charizard is HIGHLY overrated. use ninetales instead. He costs less, too :-)

well, email flames, spam, & comments to sambo_srep@yahoo.com. next week, we are doing water, one of the TCG powerhouses of today. until then, this is sam bowers signing off, hoping that the gunman is far, far away. (if you have no idea WHAT I am talking about, read my analysis of psychic pokémon.

well, that's it for this edition.