Hi, back again, here with the article I promised you... Advanced Deck
Building for Tournament Preperation.
    In order for Tournement preperation, follow the three P's: Making, Play
Testing,   and Tuning & Metagame. (wait a second, only one of those begins
with a P, oh well... On we go!)
    First of all you have to make a basic deck.. To do this follow the steps
from my (I'm proud to say...) first article I ever submitted to my favorite
site, a great tool for pokemon masters-to-be POJO! <<Oh, sorry, now that I'm
finished sucking up, back to the subject>> Refer to my article, the Basics of
Deck Building... or any other of the great, fantastic, well-rounded,
outstanding <<Oops, did it again>> deck building articles on this totally
awe... <<Caught myself that time>> on this site.

    After that you want to play test... A great way to do this is to join the
Pokemon League. I'm not sure about other stores schedules but the store I
play at (Twilight Book & Game) the pokemon league is held on Saturdays from
10AM to noon, and also on Wednesdays from 6PM to 8PM.
    After play-testing, you should know your deck's strength's and
weaknesses. So take it home, add some helpful cards, take some useless cards
out. just remember your deck must have exactly 60 cards... Doh! I knew I
forgot something in the last article... Ummm... Oh! Anyways, your deck must
have exactly 60 cards, otherwise It's illegal, you'll be disqualified, and
what's the point of building a deck for a tourney if you get disqualified.
    In some cases you could even totally start over (with the same or even a
different strategy) becaus of local Metagame... The most widely use
strategies, deck designs pokemon, etc. Say if the local Metagame was Mime
Stalls... Decks that use Mr. Mime to stall your opponent until either you get
some heavy hitters on the bench, or 'til your opponent decks themself.
Anywho... to stop a Metagaming deck like this, Nidoking is da' bomb! (Quick
thought... Aerodactly + Mime = Deadly Combination, I wonder If I could make a
deck out of that... Oh back on subject...)
    Next... Oh Iguess that's the end of the article.. So until next time send
comments, suggestion, and hatemail to: HotWingsB2B@aol.com