Ah, the metagame.  If you haven’t just started playing the TCG you know what
it is (no, that doesn’t include you in the back with the tweaked theme deck
called “The Sooper Dooperest Invincible Deck Ever In the Whole Wide World”
written on the box).  The original metagame was the “big three” including
the classic haymaker w/Dux (classic is the correct word, right Scott?),
Raindance, and Alakazam stall.  Back then, people who made original decks
and took them to tourneys usually got the stuffin’ beat outta them.  Then
Jungle came.  And Wiggly.  And Scyther. And Gloom, and Dodrio, and status
change decks, and colorless walls, and lotsa other good metagame
headache-type stuff!  Then fossil came.  Dawn of the “disruptor” decks using
Aero or Muk. And even more metagame headaches!

What I’m getting at here is that eventually, every strategy will meet it’s
counter-strategy, to make it harder for that deck to compete unless it uses
a counter-counter-strategy.

But what Fossil did was even out all of that!!!!!!

Sure, Muk can mess with Damage Swap, but if it has energy, it can smack Muk
for a few turns and KO it easily (weakness) and go on it’s merry way!

Now, my final words (and the whole reason I wrote this, and I know, I KNOW,
someone will disagree with this):

It seems now no decks have dominated the metagame too much (e.g. broken)
leaving it balanced.  So what does this mean?  BUILD ORIGINAL DECKS, they
might even survive and flourish!!

Send yer e-mail, e-decks, e-stories, oh that’s e-nough...

P.S. Lame, er, “hay”maker still is my least favorite.  Wait.  Forget I even
said favorite.
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