Hey Pojo, your site kicks @$$!!

Last week, i attended the Pokémon League and i just wanna rant about some
collectors, players and worst of all, the judges.

First off, the people who only collect: I HATE MOST OF THESE PEOPLE!!! They
take the fun out of the game. For example, i needed one last articuno for my
deck (i play a fossil raindance) so i asked this little BRAT if he had one. 
He replied yes so i offered every single rare to him and he said NO.  "I
have all of those" he told me!!  Some off the cards included a venusaur and
an alakazam!! Who cares if you have a certain tradable rare, if you have
doubles you could offer one of 'em for a different card that you need.
Personally, I play AND collect.  I don't buy boosters because their $7.00
where i live so i get all the cards i want by trading. Even if i don't need,
lets say a Raichu, i would still try to trade for it because someone else
might want one and i could trade it to him for something g i do

Number 2: Players. Not all players are bad, but there are a few exceptions. 
I usually try to be friendly to pokémon players but sometimes there is
someone who is just so annoying that you just want to beat the h*ll out of
him.  There was this one kid at the league and he had just gotten his
boulder badge (the league started late here) and he went around asking to
see other people's badge books just to show-off. When he asked me, i told
him that a had gotten mine weeks before (i really did though =)) and he was
so embarrassed.  He started to cry!! I hate players that show-off, i had
battled this kid before and he sucked!!! he ran a Psy deck with base Ghastly
and base Haunter!!  Players like this don't deserve to be in ANY league!!!
Another person was bragging that he couldn't be beaten because he had no
weaknesses (he had articuno, moltres and the dragonite line) so i challenged
him. He had NO STRATEGY and i whooped him with my WigglyMuk deck. He dared
me to use one of my other decks (I like to build extra decks from spare
cards) and  i beat him with my Damage Swap deck.  He challenged me to use my
best deck so i did.  I beat him 6-0 on prizes. and told his friends to try
to beat me.  Anyways, not all players are bad, but sometimes theres that odd
one out that has to ruin it for everyone.

Finally, the league judges.  same as the players, not all of them suck but
most off them do. i was battling this guy who had clefable against my Damage
Swap and i had chansey out to counter the clefable.  He used metronome and i
told him that clefable was KO'ed but he protested. I know i was 100% sure
but i called the judge anyway. He said that clefable WASN'T KO'ed and i got
really mad.  also, i battled one off them for fun,using my Raindance and he
was shocked to learn what blastoise's pokémon power was!!!

So, that concludes my rant and i hope i didn't offend anyone.

Fanmail?? Hatemail?? Comments??
direct to: xychic@hotmail.com

~~ XĄçhĎÇ ~~

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