Hey there PoJo.  First off I want to say that I love the site.  Now then, I
have realized that there are alot of people out there who have great card
playing abilities, but just can't afford to go out and buy a Chansey,
Alakazam or any other rare card they need.  Well, that's where I want to help
you out.  I've taken the liberty of listing some great cards that would cost
you a MAX of $5.00.  And here they are:

1) Slowbro - His Pokémon Power is the seller here.  Can't get an Alakazam? 
Well then go out and get yourself a few of these guys.  Rarity: Uncommon
2) Dewgong - Exactly like Gyrados in every way, except that he's got 20 less
HP and no resistance.  BUT, he does beat Gyrados in one department.  Seel. 
Seel's got 60 HP, which is double what Magikarp has.  Not too shabby, eh? 
Rarity: Uncommon
3) Farfetch'd - Let's face it, Scyther is pretty tough to find.  This duck is
the best you can get without him.  And that isn't really a bad thing. 
Farfetch'd has a 50% chance of dealing damage for  one colorless energy.  Now
that's better than that useless Swords Dance, isn't it?  Rarity: Uncommon
4) Jynx - The psychic haymaker's friend.  People complain that his (her?
its?) Maditate cost one more energy that Mr Mime's.  True, but Jynx's
meditate also does 20+, which can do more damage alot faster.  Not too bad
for $2.50.  Rarity: Uncommon
5) Magmar - The fire haymaker's friend.  I didn't indicate Fossil or Base
because people prefer different ones.  Base can deal out some pretty good
damage.  But, Fossil has higher HP, is faster and can poison.  Either way,
your getting a nifty little fire card, that's easy to get.  Rarity: Uncommon
6) Likitung - Looking for a good wall, but can't get a Chansey, Snorlax or
Kangaskhan, well here's a good alternative.  Not only can he take quite a bit
of damage, but he can paralyze or confuse.  Not a bad alternative.  Rarity:
8) Golduck - Dragonair has this one attack that Energy Removal decks just
love: Hyper Beam.  But, Dragonair is a rare card and although it isn't a
holofoil, pretty hard to find.  Enter Golduck.  He's got Hyper Beam too!  And
what's this it takes less energy.  However Golduck has no resistance and is a
water type, so he isn't as flexible.  But, if Dragonair isn't available,
Golduck is a great replacement.

Hope this helps you guys.