Hi this is Rakishi Fatu,
       here to say is potpourri Really the best? my answer no, but is is
VERY scrumdiddlyumpious
       as far as decks go.First off i must say props to scott for without a
shodow of a dought being
       the best man in pokemon today. Belive it or not almost nobody around
here knows what a
       haymaker is...stop freaking out.I tried this deck of Scott's at the
leage in it certaily dominated
       14-0 to be exact. it even rocked the world of raindance.I know you're
sayin' so why isn't it
       the best, cause' it's too good,that's right folks,too good not to be
confused with my wrestling
       team too cool.****anoucer interupts and says "remember
monday,thursday and sunday watch
       wwf" **** how can you have fun with a deck that always wins.The
meaning of best is not "always
       wins" The best deck is a deck where you can win but it's challenging
(eg. brushfire vs. overgroth)
       so this deck is domminant at tournies but for fun try somtin'
else.Good job scott.well good fight,
       good night.

      rakishi at 66911@msn.com

     P.S. Hate mail will spontainiously combust as it hits my e-mail