Hi my name is chardog and iwant to tell you how GOOD some cards are also a
stratgey i found good

1.Fossil Raichu
i know your saying WHAT HE STINKS!!!! but just notice how much damage in
done on his attack
it costs 4 lighting and does 30 to the active and 10 to 3 opponents benched
yes Tommy you have
to add now ok 30 + (10 times 3) =60 NOT TO SHABBY!!

2.Gengar curse is awsome in itself but the attack ic AWSOME 30 to active 10
to bench

3.Hypno 90hp same attack as gengar and ability to move 3 opponets top cards

4.Jungle Pikachu 20 to opponent 10 to bench GOOD 50 hp is ok should be
better though

Well i hope some of you will now turn to bench destruction for your
everyday needs!