[NOTE: Before I begin, I would like to say this is not a typical article.  It
is just to help the uninformed understand a simple term.  If you know what
meta-game is, you don't need to read this article unless you want to read the

What exactly is the meta-game?  This question is asked by many people who
hear this commonly used term but have no clue what it means or have the wrong

Meta-game contains the deck types you find at the typical competitive
tournament environment near you.  For example, the environment near me
contains Haymaker, Damage Swap, and Raindance.  I have tweaked my deck into a
Viagra deck that no one expects.  It is the power and speed equivalent of a
Haymaker, can overpower Damage Swap, and is the power equivalent of a
Raindance.  I have Wiggly, Hitmonchan, and Scyther.  Say Psychic became the
dominant type.  I would take out the Hitmonchans and add Ghosts, MP Mewtwos,
or more Colorless Pokemon to combat this.

Another example that would be great is Scott Gerhardt's Potpourri deck.  He
added the Ponyta to fit his meta-game.  They probably use Scythers heavily
and he wanted to be able to combat this without a problem.  Then he took out
the Hitmonchans to put in Fossil Magmars.  Maybe people began to play Psychic

I hope these examples have helped all you people out.
I can be reached at NoNameNeeded713@aol.com