dodou:dod dod doduo dod dod dodu

      Imakuni?:dod dod doduo duo duo do do

      Imakuni?: oops sorry im not a doduo

      doduo:oh yeah,niether am I, wait,I AM a doduo

      Imakuni?:well now im confused so I'll tell you how to make a smart deck

  Imakuni? :lets begin


When your choosing pokemon for a deck, you have to consider 3 things

1. does it combat the metagame?
2. can it defend against archytypes
3. does it have a strong begining game late game and mid game
4. does your deck make up for its weakness(ex. wigglytuff has a weakness to
fighting so you may want to put a scyther or 2 in thier
 doduo:OR DODUO!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
5. does your deck rely on a pokemon power, speed,evolution,or stall then
power hits
Imakuni?:  now for trainers, trainers are a nessesity in any deck(except dark
vileplume decks)
when your choosing trainers for a deck remember: "pokemon win the battle but
trainers win the war"hey that sounds pretty cool maybe I'll become a poet!
1. put trainers in the deck that support the main idea or srategy.(ex.
pokemon breeder if you play evolution, challenge! if you use wiggly, nrg
removal and ser for nrg removal decks

2. have trainers that can screw up your opponent(gow er ser

3. look for cards that give you the board advantage such as gust of wind,
energy removal and ser
4. use cards that give you the card advantage, bill, oak, DUH!!!!!!!

5.some cards are a nessesity in all decks like nrg removal, gow, and
bill(some times team rockets trap)


   Imakuni?:energy is the bases of the game, all pokemon require energy to
except elekid and dark golbat.  While some would skip strategy of energy I
wil not
because energy is constantly over looked. but there is a science to energy, a
small science but none the less a science.
1.can your deck benifet from special nrg? (rainbow nrg full heal nrg and
potion nrg)

2.if you have a pokemon with a lower nrg cost to attack(when your playing 2
types or more), or one attack is colorless put less nrg of that type (ex.
scyther in a haymaker, you should put very few, if any grs nrg in the deck.

3.if you have fewer pokemon of 1 type than another type put more nrg of the
majority color.

4.if you play a 3 color+ deck or a colorless deck you should use at least 4
of a special nrg card.

         well to quote DR. evil "goodbye now, bye, your still here!? go home!"
or was that ferris beuler?! hmmm    just like king slowpoke sometimes I can
be insightful and genious, or insane and yammering. bye bye
  see ya
               well if you wanna e mail me click <A HREF="">

goo home

its over


stop reading!!!