Like so many others, for the past 2 or 3 years I was under the false idea that whether you own the holofoil version of a card, or the normal, or the japanese version of the same card, it will not effect the way that the card plays in you deck.  I have a theory that this may not be entirely true.  Listen Why:
Holofoils: Most of us have a few of these, and if we play them in a deck, although they are shiny, we don't treat them much differently than a normal rare right?  But upon numerous games using a foil, and then substituting a non foil for it, I found that the non-foil shows up less.  This is probably due to the fact that it weighs less than the holofoil and so the holofoil isn't picked up as often to be shuffled, while the nonfoil is.  Hence, the holofoil jumps a few more cards towards the top every time you shuffle.
Japanese:  It seems that the effect of a holofoil is even more exagerated in a japanese card.  Many of you may have noticed that when you play with a japanese card in your deck, it always seems to get into the starting hand the prizes or a few cards down.  What is it about these cards that allows them to always be at the top?  The fact is that japanese cards are much more glossy and slick that american cards. So, when you pick some cards off your deck to reshuffle in, the japanese card will slip out of your grip more easily and form the top of the deck.
This is simply a theory, and I may be totally off base, but I believe that holofoils and japanese cards have an effect on the way that your deck plays...
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