Rufus Shinra:Okay My first(ish) post will be a rant, about as normal the TCG league, it is possibly the most poorly run thing ever. I needed my cascade badge on saturday (us english guys are probably about 2 years behind you yanks) the league is 4 till 6, and i arrived at half 4 i played a few matches, and was one point off the bleedin badge and it was 5:00 when they said 'It's too busy, we're closing'. WHAT?!?!? don't they want customers or something?After that, me and pals weren't being picked up till 6, so EVERYONE from the league hung around outside, and continued to play matches and trade in the middle of a shopping centre (you yanks probably call it a mall) thats dedication man. We went back in the store and told the 20 people buying boosters that they were cheaper down the road. gyahahaha. Thats got that stupid store out of business. Then they started to close, the barriers were half down as a 'polite' "go away we're closing thing" so me and pals sneaked back in and kept them open for 20 mins extra mwahahahahahahaha. Also that parents thing, i never got it, much, i just get every little kids mum coming up to me to ask me how to play. I'm only 13, not like some pokégod (or am I?). so this is quite frustrating, and the trades, everyone is running round me going I'll give you lickitung for mew and weepinbell for 2 of your electabuzzes. How about NO stupid kids, and they just wont trade there holos ar even rares for anything. I had to give this guy jungle electrode and fossil raichu for 3 pluspowers, this is so lamé. thats all guys.
Tseng: Reno, Rude, Elena, take the president to the chopper.