First off, Justin, by the way you wrote your article, your giving the
implication that ALL Psychic decks are Stall. I'm not sure if that was
intentional, but either way, it is so not true. I disagree with almost all of
those cards on that list that you say shouldn't be put in Stall decks. Even
Bill could be used in a stall deck if the player knows how to not abuse the
power of it. Let's review the list, shall we?
1. Kangaskhan
I'm not sure about you, but I've never seen Kangaskhan in a Stall. Otherwise,
I sorta agree with you about Kanga.

2. Gust Of Wind ("GOW")
Apparently, you don't understand how Stall decks use "GOW", do you? What
Stall decks use "GOW" for is to take some high-retreat cost, energy intensive
bugger and prevent your opponent from being able to attack for awhile.

3. Bill
Like I said at the beginning of this article, if the player can handle a Bill
and not abuse it's power, it could be utilized in any deck, including Stall.

4. Professor Oak
On this one, I agree with you.

5. Scyther.
Well, he may not be the best card for Stall decks, but you could just let the
crap get beaten out of it, then retreat it for free and send out another one.

6. Item Finder
You state that if you were to use an Item Finder, you'd discard a Mr. Mime
and an Alakazam, that right there shows how little common sense you have. I
would just discard some energies or something and put the Mr. Mime on my
Bench and keep the Alakazam until I can evolve it from Kadabra.

7. Pokemon Breeder
I think there's nothing wrong with skipping right from Abra to Alakazam. With
all of Alakazams  pre-evolved stages having considerably low HP, it makes
them easy "GOW" targets.

8. Switch
I don't really se anyone using Switch in Stalls, and even if, what''s the
harm of having any of your Pokemon get a free retreat cost, esp. good when
you Alakazam get's "GOW-ed" out and half-killed.

9. Tauros and 10. Snorlax
I have never even heard anyone even mention using thoise two in Stalls, but I
have to agree with you on these.

Any complaints, compliments, or whatever the hell else, send 'em on down to
