Dear Pojo and TCG players-
  My name is Robert Tennant. I am 14 years old and
have been playing the TCG for many years. Up until
recently i have considered myself to be an amazing
Pokemon TCG player. Why have i changed my thoughts on
my gaming skills? Because of the deck i was playing.
Which of course was a haymaker. Now I'm not saying
that a haymaker is a bad deck, as a matter of fact a
Haymaker is a great and hard to beat deck. However, i
really don't like it. It plays only basics which
already puts it head and shoulders above the other
decks out there. Now it also uses Pokemon that take
low amounts of energy to do high amounts of damage.
The all popular Electabuzz is another good example.
only 2 energies to do possibly 40. And if the coin
flip fails it does 30. I can't think of what word to
use to describe these cards but "cheap" comes to my
mind. A Haymaker is a cheap deck. In my mind anyone
that plays a stage 2 (excluding Blastoise) and does
good in a tournament is a -true- amazing player.

    When i read some of the decks posted in the Killer
Deck reports I've noticed a pattern. Almost everyone
is one of the 4 main types of decks: Haymaker,
Raindance, Damage Swap, Turbo Wiggly, or a type of
variant. I just feel that there should be more
variety's of Pokemon decks out there. And i hope that
other people feel the way i do. If you do...don't feel
bad going against the crowd and playing a brand new
type of deck. Try something new. Take a detour around
the famous Electabuzz. Play something new, and don't
give up if something doesn't work. Just as Tyler Grund
recently stated, certain decks may not work for
certain people. Well i hope this gets posted and if
anyone has any questions or comments e-mail me
 and by the way...starting now i consider myself a
beginer at playing new types of decks...

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