King Cobra- Today, Arbok has some information on how Rocket will change
status effect decks.

Arbok- First of all, Status Effects Decks are not dead from Full Heal Energy,
but it has made them weaker. However, several new Rocket cards are going to
be found in these decks and they are:

Dark Muk
Dark Vileplume

Arbok- Let's take a closer look at these cards.

This guy can poison or put to sleep any Pokemon with 1 grass energy! No coin
flips needed! A must in status effect decks.

Dark Muk
This is the new king. How many times have you poisoned your opponent, only to
have them retreat their pokemon and send out one with no retreat cost (like
Scyther) then retreat it and send the original Pokemon back put, healed from
its status effect? Well, Muk's Power adds 2 energy to retreat cost, making
them stuck their while they get blasted from Muk's Poison attacks!

Dark Vileplume
So Dark Muk is blasting the opponent's Pokemon and they can't retreat it.
They play a switch card or full heal with some Super Potion! Well, if you
have Dark Vileplume, they can't play a switch card and they'll have to
retreat the Pokemon to heal it. Dark Vileplume won't be Gust of Wind bait
because no one can play Gust of Wind. Keep some in your deck for when Fossil
Muk comes into play. His Power will stop Vileplume's Power and you can play
Gust of Wind, and kill Muk!

Arbok- Well, those are some of the cards that will make a huge impact on
Status Effect. I left out Sleep because it never really works anyway.

~Arbok and King Cobra
(Hey, I wrote the article, I should get top billing!)