First off, I would just like to say...I am saying this on regards of All
my friends who told me to cuss this guy out...I said no...if you're gonna do
business, do it right.  So for the World to know, not only my friends...I'll
tell this guy about a couple of things.

The people who think that the game is for kids aren't your friends...get
yourself a new crowd to hang with.  I did that...I now hang with my friends
ALL the time, talk pokemon most of the time, and YES I am  made fun of a
little, but its' nothing to rant about. 

2 People who don't know the rules
I agree, people that Don't know the rules can be annoying, but again...thats
usually little kids...There is a little thing called understanding.  When I
can, I attend the Pokemon University, that my comic shop puts on, and teach
the little kids how to play.  That way, when it comes to tourney play, they
know the rules.  If your comic shop doesn't have one of these, talk to them,
tell them maybe they should.  Tell them your frustration with little seven
year olds not knowing the rules and that maybe they should have a class
teaching the game...(that way on tourney days,  more people show up, so your
comic shop should get more cash, they'll like that)

3. Parents

Uh, I don't kow about you, but sometimes a Little protection is good.  Not
over protection, where they have eight alakazams and won't trade on cuz
they'll only have seven left...but what can ya do?  I know!  Keep
whining...maybe you'll get that card from him anyway.  Oh, by the way, till a
parent interrupts your game against her son and asks, "Is pokemon a game
about satanic worship?"  I practically shot mountain dew out my nose.

4. Media

I agree with some of what you said, like in Home and Journal Mag a couple
months ago, there was an article called, "Curing Pokèmania".  So Yes, the
media retardates the game a little, but It's not the media that controls your
gameplay, or the fun you get from gameplay.  So since I only play for fun, I
totally ignore the medias concerns.

5. Judges/ Pokemon Gym Leaders

I don't know where you're from kid, but the judges at OUR tourneys happen to
be Kittyfox and the Pokemon Lady(the deck mechanics)  So step off k?  I know
our judges know the rules...maybe you should talk to the DCI about it.  They
can talk to your judges for you.  Or perhaps your understanding of the rules
is incorrect.  Either I said above...Keep whining, maybe the
judges will change their mind.

6. Team Rocket Expansion Set

Uh, the Team Rocket set, it is good.  The low hit points is a downside, but
what can you do.  The dark muk, his poke-power and his attack complement each
other PERFECTLY!  Dark Arbok, his abilities is awesome.  Dark Weezing's Stun
Gas rules.  Uh, so basically these pokemon, low hp?  Definatly...Worth
it...most definately.  Dark jolteon...50 hp-yikes.  one lighting and twenty
damage smokescreen.  The BEST one energy attack in the game. 

7. Base Set 2

Base set 2...Wizards asking for money?  Yep, you betcha.  Wizards trying to
rip people off?  I don't think so.  I know a LOT of people who joined pokemon
up in Jungle and tried to get base set EVERYWHERE.  Only to find that the
base set is gone.  Suddenly...Wizards releases Base set 2...and these people
get the cards they need to build the decks they want.  Like I said...Wizards
wanting money?  Yep, but ripping people off to get more dough so people buy
cards they already have?  NO!  My friend FINALLY got the Final electabuzz for
his deck he  By buying base set 2.  So you say my friend
shouldn't have gotten that final Electabuzz because he wasn't here and in
pokemon when it started?  I'm sorry but I think the info you gave is WAY off.

8. 11:33 ration of getting a holofoil in your booster packs

Uh , the 1-3 chance of getting a holofoil is Stupid I agree...but you know
what?  Wizards does it because people want holofoils so they'll pay any
certain amount for the booster.  But you know what?  I opened ten boosters in
the past 2 weeks.  Dark Dragonite non holo Dark Slowbro nonholo and two
holofoil Team Rockets Sneak Attack.  Two Foil Scythers(finishing up my
scyther streak, I now have seven)  a beedrill, and Pidgeot(holo), Dugtrio,
and imposter Prof Oak.
Uh its all luck buddy.

9. People who complain about Archtype decks
Uh, is it just me...or is it that every guy that copies a deck out of a
magazine defends archtypes.  Buddy...EVERYONE uses the excuse that oh poor
baby you lost soooo many times.  Guess what pal.  I have whipped every
unoriginal haymaker, EVERY blastoise, and every Damage swap deck I've played.
 The whole talking about Archtypes thing...It started with my personal
friend, the Pokemon Lady.  Then running into four Blastoise decks at one
tourney, and wrecking every single one of them, I continued the issue.  Since
then, many people have said I was striking the blow against the stupid
archtypes.  Hell!  Play Archtypes...JUST KEEP THEM ORIGINAL!  Remember

"To be creative is great and to be great is everything."

10. Ash Ketchum

Does Ash have ANYTHING to do with the Card Game?  NO!  So Why the Hell enter
him in a Rant about POKEMON CARDS!!!!!

11. Point system

For once I agree with him on something.  The point system sucks.  nothing
else to say.

12. People who hide their cards.

CHEATING TOO.  Ask Kittyfox.  I got decked cuz something like that.

13. Holo version and a non-holo version of a card.

Didn't you already go over this?  Anyway, it doesn't matter.  The cards are
the same foil or none.  A foil scyther does the same attacks as a non-holo

14. Kids w/ bent holos, but still expect to trade another holo for theirs

This goes under the dumb trading talked about above.  Just DEAL!!

for not being a picky person ya had a lot to say...

Oh, by the way...I'm done...
