Hey everyone! Will here, with a new deck.  For this deck, I have taken a
classic concept (the awful Rainbow deck that newbies make by taking every
evolution line they have, and with the remaining 10 or so slots they fill
with awful energy amounts) and changed it to a very powerful deck.  It
doesn't rely on specific energy costs, but instead strong different-colored
Pokémon with Colorless requirements. I rarely use a specific elemental
attack. The awesome Rainbow Energy came in handy when making this deck in
case I need to use an attack with specific energy requirements.  I created
this deck while pondering a way to make a deck strong against anything. It
took a lot of thinking to find every single Pokémon that would work in this
deck. I use all of the Jungle Eevee evolutions because they are all different
types but use a common Quick Attack. Aerodactyl is the only fighting Pokémon
(besides Rocket Machop) that had a strong Colorless attack. Scyther is
perfect here as well, and if I get a Grass energy out I'll use Swords Dance.
Otherwise, Slash is fine and does 60 damage to anything weak to grass without
SD. Unfortunately, there's no decent Psychic Pokémon with Colorless attacks,
but MP Mewtwo works fine. This deck was tougher to make than I thought, but
it seems to be the most effective deck I've made since my infamous Incredibly
Annoying Stall (Record 24-1). Here's the deck so far.

Rainbow v. 1.0

Pokémon (16) :
Colorless Pokémon
4 Eevee (Jungle)
Fire Pokémon
1 Flareon (Jungle)
2 Ponyta (Base)
Water Pokémon
1 Vaporeon (Jungle)
1 Dark Vaporeon (Rocket)
Lightning Pokémon
1 Jolteon (Jungle)
Grass Pokémon
2 Scyther
Psychic Pokémon
2 Movie Promo Mewtwo
Fighting Pokémon
2 Aerodactyl

Trainers (18):
4 Bill
4 Computer Search
2 Nightly Garbage Run
4 Gust of Wind
4 Switch

Energy (26):
3 Rainbow Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
4 Psychic Energy
4 Water Energy
4 Lightning Energy
4 Grass Energy
4 Fire Energy

This deck does extremely well. Gust of Wind grabs an opponent's Pokémon weak
to a certain type, Switch helps get your other Pokémon back so you can get
the right one, and Computer Search makes up for all the singles in this deck.
Nightly Garbage Run gets back anything you could use. I also play a version
of this deck with Devolution Spray, Energy Search, and various basics like
Rocket Squirtle, Rocket Magnemite, and Fossil Grimer as support Pokémon with
colorless attacks.

Comments? Questions? E-mail me at Raiden9984@aol.com.