Well, Scott, I have no idea where you going to post this,but put it where
it'll be seen...please. I've noticed a lot of ranting lately over nothing. "I
hate parents who interfe...BLA! Lay off it people, you'r never gonna win the
battle between that 40 year old, and his/her snot nosed kid. Here are some
tips though, on how to get around it...Something that throws any person
(especially adults) off-guard is saying "Good Game." Say it
enthusiastically...then (this is the crusher) say "Well you could add this,
that this that or this (Insert cards in the this's and there's) and if they
don't have that common, or two, give um one. You may not like it...but
killing them with kindness is the best way to go. If the parents go on as far
as taunting you, play THEM in a game...Hehehe... On to people who are hating
collectors....We all have our Poke- Card problems (unless your Scott
Gerhardt...) and if a Collector has a card you want, ask once, if they say no
just walk away. IF they continue, mumble back an "Ok, yea..alright" and then
find someone who plays the TCG and knows what your going through. I think I'm
very fortunate to have gotten into gaming instead of collecting. It's so much
easier to get that ONE card you need instead of those 15 billion. My friend
has cards pouring out of his rear-end, and he trades a lot. I got him into
gaming (Known as Cocky Corry on my deck reports, now it's just Corry) and he
goes after cards he needs for gaming...I think I accidently started the
league on the whole 'Hay' idea, along with a few friends. Nidoking,Raichu's
and Vileplumes are mearly Magikarps compaired to Scythers at my league. SO is
all this ranting by most of you people necessary? I don't think so...
                                    Derek I.