I have come up with a combo deck that could easily become the next archetype.
Probably, some of you smart trainers have thought of this, too, but here's my


Pokemon (24)
4 bulba
2 ivy
3 vena (players guide)
1 base vena (for trans)
4 oddish
2 gloom
3 vileplume
1 dark vileplume (backup)
2 scyther
2 pinsir

Energy (26)
22 grass

Trainers (10)
4 breeder
3 oak
1 comp. search

The object is to get vena on the bench, with vile (jungle) up front. Petal
dance for up to 120, then next turn, use solar power to cure confusion. Both
venusaurs put up decent fights, too. I included few trainers, because of dark
Vile. This is a fun and strategic deck. Good luck!