You know, it's been about a year since I bought my first set a pokemon cards. It seems like it was only yesterday when I had first laid eyes on that starter deck. How happy I was ti see that holographic Machamp with it's shiny holofoil, ( ah, memories). being proud of having that great deck that had the Blastoise,Charizard, and Venusaur. Beating the pants off of everybody. Nowadays a deck containing that many energy types and 2nd stage evolutions is pure insanity. But that's because everyone who says that has been playing the game for a year now, they have experience. So, what I'm getting to is that we should lay off of the younger players, they've just started to play and don't know what haymaker is . In fact they probably don't know those cards exist. I propose to all you older players out there to help the younger players. If they have a horrible deck that makes you want to throw up, ask them if they want any help with their deck . I'm about to take responsibility of bcoming a gym leader and I have vowed to help every young player at pokemon league, not only that but I'm also going to strengthen the fighting philosophy there. Frankly I'm getting sick finding no one to battle because everybody is showing off their cards.It's boring! So I challenge every one of you out there to make a difference at your pokemon league. Give away cards, help others make decks, anything that will make somebody feel better knowing that someone actually gives a darn.
                                                                       This is Electroangle R. signing off