I havent posted much lately so ill post my 2 1/2 cents on the newest and a
semi decent expansion, Team Rocket.  The first thing u should notice is the
low hp.  That is not so bad but many players are paraniod.  The next thing is
the awesome powers.  Dragonair, vileplume, Muk.  This makes up for all the
bad hp.  The next thing is greaat atacks.  These are very hard too use and
could be fools gold.  Machamp for example.  and Kazam is risky.  Golduck is
probably the all around, most sound poke in the set.  With all the buzzzes
around he is endangered but he is always a threat.  Haymakers get no help
from this set in terms of pokemon *crowd cheers, some sigh*.  Of course there
is the fact that most players who use Dark pokes will be at the mercy of a
incredibly fast deck *crowd groans, Scott grins*.  I myself put my
predjudices aside to try out how a haymaker would do in a rocket
envirionment.  Not even Vileplume could stop my WiGgLy InSaNiTy which is
roughly based on bad dog wiggly by Ryan Troung.  The resistance hasnt become
a problem yet and chan is eating everyone for breakfast.  Back to ricket, Its
savior is Breeder.  Although My wigg has not lost to A Plume deck, breeders
have almost cut me down to size.  Evil Kazam was hard to beat. and the other
stage 1's were hard to although no breeder required.  Golbat was almost
imposible to beat to.  Devo's and sneaky bites ko'd my jigglys but once a
wigg was out, Game Set match.  I just noticed that i was talkin about my
wiggly, not rocket.  I would like to apologize for that, I just love
wiggly(if he wasnt so darn onoriganal i'd use him more, but still play him
frequently).  The rocket effecxt will come and go as most phases do. 
Charizard will be an annoyance (combo Manders power witha breeder, u got ur
self a fast Izard).  I nkow eevery little kid will have one in his/her deck. 
It will be mostl hims though, girls tend to play metrenome decks and cute
puff balls decks with jiggys.  Atleast most the girls i play use those.  The
only lasting card is Garbage collection, this is a great card.  If u oak away
ur only kazam, garbage it back and then its time for comp.  Big sister will
get some play also, though lass is better in most cases.  Basicly, rocket
will not linger, sooner or later Neo will come out and that is a good set. 
What am i talking about, Gym 1 and 2 are both great.  Ninetails will see play
along with zapdos.  Scyther and Mewtwo (deffinately) wil become hugely sought
after cards.  Everyone will have discarded Rocket like and used tissue. 
Simalar to what they did with my man Hitmonchan when Fossil came out.  These
are all great cards.  If used right , u will win.  Most people wont combo
kazam with haunter fossil and Vileplum with snorlax and the cool powers of
drowzee and Gloom.  The final thing i will say is dont trust hp, kabutops was
disregarded not only from scyther but 60 hp.  it has great attacks though. 
Dont go with the negative hype, trust ur abilitys too keep that evilotion out
and u will win.  Be scared of gust and u will lose (only aplys with low hp
pokes, if u want to be gust proof, use hay which can fight and is a versitile

SUDDEN THOUGHT GANG (i like that snl skit, if u have seen it)-Arcetypes arnt
as bad as I thought.  Although i still hate some people for onoriganality, i
realized something.  What deck does scott play? How bout Ryan troung?  They
play sponge and varients of InSaNiTy respectaivly.  these are hays but they
are ranked in the top 5 in the world.  I see a connectoin, DO U?  My wigg is
cleanin house, but sos my Curse and teleport decks.  if i want to break out
of a slump, i turn to wigg.  They work which is why people hate em, try em
like me (of course wiggy was amy fav poke so i love playin him)  also props
to all people who play mono fire and mono fight.  these colors are never mono
anymore.  With raindance and psyciatrics runnin amok, these people are brave
(on an intresting side note- my fire deck has neverlost to dance and it has
even beaten that pojo dance, u know its in featured aritclee, twice.  This
shows u that dont worry a bout weakness and fight through it.  Whtaever
doenst kill u will only make u stronger.
Since the rocket effect part of this article is lomg over i will throw in
something about magic.  I played magic for a while and my mono red is quite
good (or it was like a year ago)  Magic is a very fun game, more complex then
pokemon but that is moer of a plus as pokemon is good from simplicity.  there
are more cards which is confusing.  My fave is disentagrate cause it has won
me many a game by destroying my opposition.  I like fanning the flame buy
back capabilties too as i once ran 6 creatures with one of them and
completely destroyed him with a viashino outrider.
Im am confused about one thing though, whats a sideboard.  I have played for
4 years and dont remember a side board.  Theres nothin in the rule books.  If
u want to cleat that up for me please email me.  My address is
since i covered 3 things in this article meant for one im sure ill get plenty
of emails.  I havent gotten any for like 3 weeks and i love readin mail. 
Feel free to send compliments, ideas, cool strategies or even deck fixes ( i
got a couple of those from my deck building article and have gottena  taste
for it).  Keep playin and if u want to play test, always use Apprentice. 
Even with Mr. Grund not liking it, its all u got and a great way to get new i
deas and meet wierd people (the deck Mechs, Scott and all your poke heros are
on).  Once again  it swederacr9@aol.com      thanx for readin this long