This is a nice deck that has won me many matches, the object is to get Zap
out on turn 2. The ideal strategy is to send out voltorb (watch out for
Hitmon!), put energy on Zap, then Buzzap with electrode, put on an energy,
and thunder (or thunderbolt, if opponent has only 1 basic) for 60 (or 100)
damage! If not the base set, use the fossil for nice bench attacks.

Pokemon (21)
3 pika (league promo)
3 Dark Rai (bench attack)
2 fossil zapdos (see above)
2 base set zapdos (1/2 of my strategy)
4 TR voltorb (good basic)
4 base electrode (other 1/2 of strategy)
3 'buzz (......)

Trainers (16)
4 oak (.....)
2 energy retrieval (high costs, need energies)
2 NGR (gets back energy, or buzzapped electrodes.)
3 potion (won me games)
3 super potion (see above)
2 itemfinder (.....)

Energy (23)
23 lightning (.....)

Hope you have fun with this deck!