I have come from the future where Pojo's site is popular but there are so
many people the criticize the rants. There are still some devoted people like
me,Satoshi,Whetherman,etc.,and the what's left of the deck machanics.The
reason I come here is to help you all from destroying Pojo's site's integrity.
      Rants: rants are a good way to exhert you feeling and lower your stress
level. It's recommended by 10 out of 10 counclers.So don't go around slashing
other peoples rants.

Writing rants: When you write a rant make sure you write what you want to and
tell why you ranted and make sure you put something everyone can agree with.
Lest you get ranted against. ex. Satoshi and his last article got ranted
against twice. It causes conflict
Language: When writing rants try to cut down on your bad language. I've seen
a lot of this going around. Try to use substitute words. Say a christianic
person come to the site they see an article with some cuss words and
think,"Hey,since this site posts a lot of rants with cuss words I won't go
here anymore,"Pojo loses money! Pojo can't deliver as well as they should.

Slashing other things: Don't slash anything unless it's a subtopic.Diss
something that deserves dissing.Diss the rage of archtypes,not the
archtype.Don't rant about small things like prices and such."I never get
tired of Ash little kid or parents though."

Don't diss first timers: This is only my 3rd or 4th thing sent here and I'm
still getting used to it. Same with others.

I know I sound like a little kid that goes to church everyday and is a 9
yearold  brat but, this is the truth. Heed my words and It will benifit all.

E-mail me at mecahawk64@aol.com 
I receive hate mail also