Hey everyone! After looking hard at Dark Dugtrio and Dark Muk, I was inspired
to create a Grass/Fighting deck that either stops your opponent from
retreating, or makes them really think about it before discarding their
energies to get back to the bench. My prototype of the Anti-Retreat deck
contains the Dark Muk and Dark Dugtrio lines because of their awesome Pokémon
    Dark Muk makes them pay an extra two energy to retreat their active
Pokémon as long as Dark Muk is active. This gives even the almighty Scyther a
two retreat! His attack nicely compliments his power. They'll be damaged and
poisoned, so they'll REALLY want to retreat, but what if they don't have a
Switch or a sufficient amount of energy? They'll have to stay active, taking
40 damage per round (20 initial damage, poison at the end of your turn, then
at the end of theirs), and that will seriously screw them up.
    To make this harsh method of Pokémon torture even more deadly, keep a
Dark Dugtrio on your bench! After they finally scrape up enough energy to
retreat, they'll have to watch out for the possible 20 damage to their
Pokémon from Dark Dugtrio's excellent Pokémon Power! This can possibly mean a
nice KO as well as a waste of energy!
     If you plan on building a deck like this, you might want to include
Scyther as a strong suppporting Grass Pokémon. He's perhaps the most useful
card so far, and he can work without Grass energy. For a nice supporting
Fighting type, consider Hitmonlee. Stretch Kick fits the theme
perfectly--deal some damage to their bench (with Dark Dugtrio benched, of
course), and next turn play a Gust of Wind. Grab out one of their weakened
monsters, retreat Hitmonlee for 1, and send out Dark Muk. Poison them, and
they'll be in a very difficult situation. This is extremely annoying for your
opponent. Wigglytuff could work in this deck as well, even if he doesn't fit
the theme, because the bench can build up quite fast during play. Just a
suggestion--Don't include Victreebel!!!!  Victreebel's line is very weak
(Weepinbell is good, but not worth evolving from 'Sprout), and although both
attacks fit the theme, it's takes up too much space and the Pokémon aren't
strong at all.
    Some good Trainer cards for a deck like this would be Gust of Wind,
ER/SER, Sneak Attack, and The Boss's Way. Gust of Wind is excellent if they
have a Pokémon on their bench who is damaged. Gust 'em out, and attack with
Dark Muk while making it a pain to retreat again. ER and SER further annoy
your opponent planning to retreat. Rocket's Sneak Attack is a nice card here
if they have a Switch in hand--no more Switch! The Boss's Way is a quick way
to find your Dark Muk/Dugtrio. And of course, Bill and Oak fit in quite well,
as in most other decks.
Questions? Comments? E-mail me at Raiden9984@aol.com. Complaints (especially
really stupid ones where people claim I stole their deck name or flame me for
making a small mistake)? Send them all to Microsoft. Good luck, and consider
a deck like this if your opponents always mess you up because of constant
retreating. It's quite a fun deck to play!