This is Spencer with the fury furball. Ya he's yellow! Ya guessed him right?
Ya didn't? Oh brother? It's Pikachu! I adopted him. He's at level 100. He
I wanna rant about little kids-The book of how to get away from the lovable,
kute, qurky, and very adorable WEIRD(!!!!!) little kids I + you have
suffered. HAH HAH HAH!
Now the book.

Chapter 1:The way the kids approach you.
    They walk up to you and say one of three things.
1. What will you trade? The I want more cards type
2. I am the best player! The snotty type
3. I'll trade you Weedle for Charizard Blastoise Venusaur Riachu Alakazam
Chansey Gyarados and every other shiny card you own. (They would approach it
as shiny) the type who wants every thing to be his and when you battle him he
pulls out 1 buzz 1 chan 1 lee 1 mewtwo and
<my pikachu says "PIKA-CHU!!! (Blast of thunder fills the sky)>
GOSH! and 1 pika. <my pikachu says "chu" (to finish the word)> (with
what to do to avoid them.
How to avoid number one. Have a fairly decent collection on hand, but do not
carry any holos unless they are in your deck. Also, try to not battle them,
or they will drool on your cards.
How to avoid number two. Battle them and show off your cards a lot. i.e. And
now just make you look small and pathedic, I will attach a DCE to my <little
kid interrupts and says "What's DCE? You explain and continue>
Scyther and use slash for 60. I win. Boast about it. i.e. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<They ask why and you explain in a most dignified manner>
After the battle avoid him because he will beg for cards. To be better then
you of course.
To avoid No. 3, simply DO NOT go to Pokemon league.
They will wait for an older kid like us who will give <they wish> cards to
Spencer and Pika <"chu" he says"> saying, The next chapter soon!
See yal lata