Okay everyone. No shop setting, no Blastoise or other pokemon characters,
just me. Why? Because, frankly, this makes me mad. This is probabally the
stupidest response to criticism that this site has ever seen--and no, I
don't mean _this_ article, guys. ;)

By now, you've seen the article about what cards NOT  to put in Psychic
Decks. And you've also probabally seen the chaos that followed--namely, the
author of the original article lashing out at the people that added their
opinions to his article. This, my friends, is how NOT to respond to
When you write something as...well, as arguable as "what cards don't go
into a certain type of deck," expect the worst. That's the golden rule. The
author broke this rule, obviously, by expecting everyone to agree with him.
I know this for one reason: if he had expected the worst, there would have
been no reason to explode like he did.
Exploding because a few people disagree with you, well...makes you look
STUPID. There's no other word. S-T-U-P-I-D.
It wasn't like the opinions and arguments made by other people(including
me, but mine wasn't posted)were for no reason. Some of the arguable opinions
and actions that brought on the criticism are:

1)Calling other Archtypes "Lame" and "Gay," yet giving the idea that
one(Damage Swap)reigned supreme.

-You contradict yourself here..I remember reading in one of your
reports(right after you had gotten finished bashing Haymakers) that your
deck was beaten by a..*gasp*..Haymaker. Don't knock it until you play
against it.

2)Making good cards sound like trash.

-Face it. Some cards belong in almost EVERY deck. including...CARD DRAWING
IN STALL. By making sound like trash, you have to expect that people are
going to disagree.

And finally, the Grand-Daddy of all offences....


-That's it. This is where it becomes unbearable. The author knows who he is.
Heck, so does everyone else. People are going to disagree with you in
life(especially when you make it sound as though you are the self-appointed
master of all psychic Pokemon). Making cards like POKEMON BREEDER, BILL,
PROFESSOR OAK, ITEMFINDER, and KANGASKAHN sound like they will make you
lose, and then calling the people that defended these cards "disgruntled
players," while calling yourself "superior" makes me wonder where you are
playing cards. Face it. _Anyone_ can get a perfect record at the POKEMON
LEAGUE. If that makes someone supreme, than hey, I must be a PokeGod. It's
not that big of an achievement(no offense to anyone that plays at the
Pokemon League). And from your reports, I can tell that many--heck, nearly
all--of your opponents use original decks...which Archtypes USUALLY have an
advantage over(no offense to original deck users; more power to ya if you
use an original deck!).

Another thing-from what I've read, you seem to think that Psychic decks are
the only good decks out there...I suggest playing someplace other than the
League. Not that you should give up on the League; just find a real
tournament. You'll get to see, first hand, how many good decks are out
there. They won't allow those Saffron Gym Japanese cards, though. Tough

Well, that felt good to get off my chest. People, if you write something
like "Cards That DON'T Belong in Psychic Decks," be ready for disagreement.
Always Remember this quote, which I learned the hard way when I had barely
started this game:

"To think highly of yourself is a good invitation for someone to knock you

Good Luck and Happy Gaming, everyone!!