~Rant on~

      hello every body, I dont rant often-but something has been plagueing me
and I gotta get it of my chest when I'm sifting through the tcg strategies
the second I see a strategy by Skorn (a.k.a justin smith) I look in it to see
what the heck he is saying now. Now justin seems to be a little slow, because
basically, he cant grasp the golden ring of intelligence that most of us
already have.  first I would like to address the fact that he bashes any
archyetype the second it is created, this is because skorn obviously cant get
the rare cards to make these decks, because nobody will trade there holo
scyther for his "misprint" bellsprout, wich in actuallity just has the name
written over as meowth

now smith hates these "gaymakers" but instead looooooves stall, well skorn I
and just about anyone else I know think stall is the worst and most boring
way to win,  because it is sooooooo fun to win buy playing a 2 hour game then
having your opponent deck themselves I am over joyed with rapture it is so
fun,I say stiffly.

now is it just me or does this kid hate every single good card in the game?
wigglytuff is a strong hp pokemon with a good attack, just cause it beats
your goldenpsy deck
doesnt mean that wiggly sux, no no... it means quite the opisite, in this
situation either your deck sux or wigglytuff decks are awesome.

       thats all I fell like writing for right now, this rant was sparked by
                  all of justin smiths hate mail goes
                                         (and im open to complements to)
  pojo please post this
                                                        from the author of
"mesa haymaka sew gewd it win aganst mesa's pet hampster.