I just got jungle where I live and bought a pack I got a rapidash I was looking at its attacks and it hit me! A deck based on the attack agility so I loaded apprentice and set to work looking for good cards with agility.I found 4 good ones bur only wanted 3 so I looked at other attacks and it came down to seadra or fearow.As I like horseas attacks better then spearows I choose seadra and set to work.
I fort what decks is see alot of and mostly I see haymaker on internet.Then I looked at my haymaker how could I counter it?Its fast but then it came to me agility should save the day while loading up raichu and rapidash and finishing them.The problem was electabuzz and hitmonchan have got to be stopped because I have weakness to them so,I all most gave it up but then I got it gust out scyther and uses rapidash should work well.I knew rain dance wont be a problem raichu sorts  them out but stall I was stuffed.what could I do then I got it.Stall them back.agility can stall so they lose from decking by computer searching.I can see no weakness in deck so far but haymaker came very close.So here's the deck.
4 Horseas
3 Seadras
4pikachus (base if English game or level 15 if jap game.translation at bottom.)
4 raichus (base)
4 ponytas
3 rapidashs
                                   21 pokémon
7 water energy
7 electric energy
7 fire energy
4 dce
                    25 energy
2 cpu search's
2 oaks
2 gust of winds
4 bills
2 energy retrievals
2 nightly waste run
                                              14 trainers
I was thinking of adding a flying fighting type but only one I could think of is areodactyl but I need fossil then which will mean only one aero and would stop me I may add scyther and take out nightly waste run.
so test the deck tell me what u think (Any ideas how to get plus powers in?).Then e mail me at and I will get back to u as soon as I can thank u and good night.
* Bows and wakes good bye then disappears in puff on smoke*
pikachu level 15
neo common
hp 50
retreat 1
1  Quick attack 10 :flip a coin if heads u do 10 more damage.
LL1 Agility  20 :flip a coin if heads pervent all effects of attack on pikachu next turn even damage