I, have made a really good deck that has won me many 3rd places and 3 2nd
places in tortaments. I Call it Swirling-Saturn.

2 Abra [rocket]
1 Sabrina's Abra
2 Dark Kadabra
1 Sabrina's Kadabra
2 Dark Alakazam
1 Sabrina's Alakazam
2 Drowsee [one basic, one rocket]
2 Hypno
3 Mr.Mime
2 Scyther
2 Porygon [one Basic, One Rocket]
2 Mewtwo [One Promo 4, One Promo 12]

Lets have the card Over Views

Rocket Abra- Better the the Basic, I hardly ever use Vanish, Psyshock's
Dark Kadabra - Dark matter is a useful Pokemon power. Get rid of a useless
card to hopefully gain a better one. Mind shock is really useful. Really
useful agenst those people with Psychic resisting pokemon.
Dark Alakazam- Teleport Blast makes up for the High Retreat cost, and Mind
shock is, again, useful. 60 HP is weak, though. But teleport blast keeps it

Sabrina's Abra- The best abra out there. 50 HP, and both moves need 1 Psy
energy. Clairvoyance Will get the drop on your opponite and Quick attack is

Sabrina's Kadabra- Lifedown, Lifedown, Lifedown. If Lifedown is succsessful,
bring out Mr.mime and bye-bye pokemon.

Sabrina's Alakazam- Very cool. Just charge Alakazam with Four psychic energy
and it could use any of your benched pokemon [psychic]moves. Also helpful if
Oppnite has a psychic deak.

Drowsee's- I use the Drowsee to put asleep and confuse. Can be fustrating if
opponite is Asleep right away or Confused right away.

Hypno- 90 HP. Beautifull. It's first move keeps you outta jams, and Dark
mind is a very useful attack.

Mr.Mime- Dosen't need an explination. The best Raindance, Wigglytuff,
Haymaker stopper.

Porygon- Conversion 1 is Very Useful. Make your whole opposing team weak
agenst youm with some time. Also it only takes one energy.

Scyther- Free Retreat cost, High HP and Slash are all useful.

Mewtwo Promo 4- Energy Adorpson stops wasted energy, and Psyburn is very

Mewtwo Promo 12- Energy control isn't that useful, but Telekinesis really

4 Energy Removles
4 Bills
2 Goop Gas
1 Energy Circulation
3 Potions
1 Super Potion

Energy Removles- Help's get outta Jams. Works well on Double-Colourless
Bills- Brings out the deck faster
Goops Gas- Should be in all decks. You never know when you wanna stop a
Mr.Mime, Aerodactyl, Or Some Muk stopping ya.
Energy Circulation- VERY useful. It brings back all Energy from your active
pokemon into your hand. Works if Sabrina's Alakazam is going to get knocked
out, but works Really well when you use Mewtwo's Energy Adorpson and bring
back all your Psychic energy from your discard pile.
Potions- Used for the Porygon so they can stay alive to switch the

2 Full heal Energy
2 Potion Energy
19 Psychic Energy

This Deck has Seved me well. Most of my cards are basic, and the cards that
arn't, are still good. The abra's have good attacks, the Kadabra's and the
Alakazam's do to. The Drowsee damage the oppnite by falling asleep and
hitting themselves, and the porygon will help make the match short. Mewtwo
does 80 damage. Mr.mime does big damage. And with the help of Sabrina's
Alakazam, your benched pokemon won't take damage, but can still use there
moves. In a Sense. I hope this has helped you creating your ultimate Deck.
Good luck
                                                Dave Driver