My little brother has just gotten to Pokemon TCG.  He went out and got himself the Grass Chopper theme deck.  He tried using it on me, all my friends, and people at the league.  I had to intervene.  So I rebuilt his Grass Chopper.  Without further  delay, Here is the Original Grass Chopper. 
Grass Chopper's strategy is to mow through all your opponents pokemon quickly, like a Haymaker.  In my opinion, the original version sucks totally.  None of the Pokemon do enough damage (except Machop) See for yourself.  (P.S.  I tried to use Pojo's rules for fixing theme decks)
14 Grass Energy
4 Bellsprout  (why would anyone put this piece of junk in any deck?)
2 Weepinbell (Not worth putting up with Bellsprout)
3 Nidoran Female (Good HP and an okay attack.  Good, but not 3)
2 Nidorina (Not enough power for the energy required)
2 Nidoran Male (The low HP and risky attack don't make it worth the space)
14 Fighting Energy
4 Machop (the single redeeming factor of this deck)
2 Machoke (Machop is better on it's own)
4 Sandshrew ( Please.  Doesn't do enough damage or has enough HP)
3 Potion ( Slows your opponent down only for one turn)
1 Gust of Wind ( A trainer that fits into the deck's strategy? In a theme deck? Oh well, better go dig the bomb shelter and make sure we have enough canned goods)
2 PlusPower ( Whoa two in a row!)
1 Super Potion ( Healing isn't as effective as Energy Removaling)
1 Super Energy Removal (Needs more to be effective)
1 Energy Removal ( Same as last one)
And now my revised Grass Chopper:
2 Nidoran Female
2 Scyther
3 Grimer
2 Dark Muk
3 Machop
2 Hitmonchan
3 Jigglypuff
4 Bill
3 Proffesor Oak
2 Super Energy Removal
3 Gust of Wind
3 PlusPower
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Energy Removal
12 Grass Energy
7 Fighting Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
In playtesting against and with this deck, I've found that it plays pretty much like a straight up Haymaker.  Rely on Chan, Scyther, and Dark Muk for most of your slugging, with Nidoran and Machop backing them up.  Jigglypuff is there for Psychic pokemon, which are big in my area.  I also learned that I can't play with a Haymaker.  They are to boring for me. 
Have other tuned up versions of theme decks?  Send them to me at
This is MegaLink, signing off.