arrrgh! This is my 2nd to last counter! Well, if u know of any more
archetypes, email me them to Well, onto potpourii. This
deck uses many types of pokemon to combat weakness and resistance, but with
fighting out of the picture, a good counter will be colorless. Also,
potpourii needs the right energy at the right time. Well, what's a good
energy-removing colorless pokemon that gets under Mime? Lemme
guess...dragonair? Also, dragonite's pretty nice. Here it is

4 TR dratini (or base)
3 Dragonair
2 Dragonite
3 farfetch'd (?) (or scy, if Magmar isn't popular, scy preferably)
3 Jiggly
2 Wiggly

6 grass
4 Fullheal
4 Potion

4 Bill
3 Oak
3 Search
3 Itemfinder
4 pluspower
3 defender
2 challenge

Wait, some of you think this looks like a wiggly! Well, I try to stay as far
away from archetypes as possible, but this one is hard to beat. Potpourii is
probably the hardest archetype to overcome. But, Wiggly's nice for killing
off the potpourii pokemon (wave+full bench+pluspower=KO). Jiggly can kill
Mime, Dragonair ERs, and dragonite deals solid damage. Enjoy!
Next time, ER deck
                                                    Devin AKA Mewbot