Okay, I've been meaning to respond to this, so now I've got some time and a
whole lot of sarcasm.  Therefore, I'm going to comment on his choices, then
finish with a list of my own...

1. Kangaskahn.  Hmmm....Card advantage, not a bad attack, psy resistance in a
color severely weak to psy, I can't understand why it shouldn't be seriously

2.  Gust of Wind.  Lesse....Good in any deck, particularly when that Nidoking
is breathing down your back...Gust him out, than send him to the discard
pile....Also good in stall decks when you want an undeveloped poke in play.

3.  Bill.  Bill is a given.  If you don't play him, you're as good as dead on
turn 2.

4.  Oak.  THE best card in the game, card advantage, etc.  crummy hand,

5.  Scyther.  Let's see, maybe not in a stall, but great in a beatdown.

6.  Itemfinder.  Great in late game.  Get back what you need by losing what
you don't....why wouldn't you want to pack two or three when trainers are so

7.  Breeder.  Get Alakazam out ASAP.  Good with Gengar too....

8.  Switch.  Do you really think I'm going to set myself back 3 turns so I
can retreat a gusted Alakazam?  Necessary in almost any deck, let alone a
high reteat cost deck.

9.  Tauros.  He's there to maximize rampage, although i'd rather use Dodrio. 
Alakazam isn't just a staller (although you seem to think he is)!!!!

10.  Snorlax.  Maybe you were seeing one of the Long distance Hypnosis/Dream
Eater decks, a rather interesting strategy.  Anyway, 90 HP is REALLY good for
a basic.

And now, my own list of cards not to put in a "psychic deck" (this is pure

1.  Promo Mewtwo.  Energy absorbtion takes a whole turn, and who discards
energy anyway?  Psyburn doesn't get through psychic resistance very well, and
its a stall deck, remember?

2.  Fossil Haunter.  50 HP sucks for a stage 1, and his pokemon power only
works half the time.  His attack is bad, too.

3.   Dark Alakazam.  60 HP is really bad, and we WANT to take advantage of
all those weaknesses out there  Telepost blast is WAY too energy intensive,
and its just a switch, and we all know how much Switch sucks....

4.  Fossil Gastly.  His first attack is bad, and his second does damage to
itself to get only 2 energy.

5.  Dark Kadabra.  Who wants to discard cards from their hand, anyway?  And
for his attack, we want to use weakness and resistance...

6.  Computer search.  We're going to discard 2 cards from our hand to get
just one?  what idiot made this card?

7.  Mew.  Devolving your opponent's pokemon is stupid, since they can evolve
them again, and who puts a lot of energy on their pokemon, anyway?

8.  Psychic Energy.  This is a STALL DECK, not an attacking deck, remember? 
I've seen people devote a THIRD of their deck to this useless card.  Keep
your priorities straight!!

9.  Energy Retrieval.  See 8.  If you're not playing energy, this is a dead
card.  Anyway, who'd trade 2 cards from their hand for two energies in their

10.  Fossil Gengar.  Dark Mind is really weak, and Curse only lets you move
one damage counter.  He's a stage 2, and his Basic and Stage 1 are bad too
(see 2 and 4).

See how dumb that all sounds?  True, not all these cards are great in every
deck, but they are all really good cards, nonetheless.  Understand 2 things:
not every psychic deck is a stall (like not all water decks are raindance),
and most cards are situational.  Stating that good cards (like Bill, Oak,
Itemfinder, Scyther, Kangaskahn, Switch, and Gust of Wind) are worthless will
just get you up a certain creek without a paddle.  So please, unless you are
going to give advice that people can use to improve their deck, please keep
your opinions to yourself.

                                                    email: Edestus360@aol.com