Hi all!  Today I am writing an I wanna Rant on Archtypes and other
Annoying things.
    Archetypes. People all over the US and they are the most popular types of
decks. Boy are they annoying! Like this situation: your dragonite has been
pounding on your opponents and you are down to your last 2 prizes but then
your SERs you and then to make matters worst hyperbeam with his golduck it
looks like it is all over. It is thing like this that makes the game so it
isn't fun.
    Next the coins wizards makes. These are not Any fun at all to play with
because there is almost no randomness. Almost always it is heads. But then I
gets worse. Someone (No names FOR NOW) at my local Pokemon league plays a
Eevee coin which has been modified to land tails often. But then when its his
turn he switches it to a regular coin and he just does it to make sure he
    Next when just before the battle. I can distinctly remember a time when a
girl who I was playing (It was the guy in the last paragraph's Sister...hmm)
switched her deck to fire just as we started shuffling. Fortunately for me it
wasn't a very good fire deck (a. she evolved WAY to early and b. She couldn't
get enough energies) And I won (!) (HA HA) anyway, I got lucky but that
doesn't mean it will happen again but, oh ever mind. Anyway next if your
gonna change you deck because you say what some else was playing when you
both started shuffling just take the brunt of it because it will just make ya
look bad or before you battle just say no.
    And last the decks. I don't mind playing an archetype. Except when the
person got the deck out of a magazine. Then it is annoying. First of all they
usually win and 2 they usually brag and 3 It just shows how bad of a player
they really are. Every time I sit down to make a deck I sit down and think
about what I want it to be. Sure I sometimes look at the killer deck reports
and get an "inspiration" from a deck not use it card for card.  (besides I
can't usually make it card for card)
Masked Woo Whoer