Xhad:  OK...no offense, but I would like to know where
you're playing this deck.  For those of you who don't
feel like reading the original, here's the deck:

"Swirling Saturn"

2 Abra [rocket]
1 Sabrina's Abra
2 Dark Kadabra
1 Sabrina's Kadabra
2 Dark Alakazam
1 Sabrina's Alakazam
2 Drowsee [one basic, one rocket]
2 Hypno
3 Mr.Mime
2 Scyther
2 Porygon [one Basic, One Rocket]
2 Mewtwo [One Promo 4, One Promo 12]

4 Energy Removles
4 Bills
2 Goop Gas
1 Energy Circulation
3 Potions
1 Super Potion

2 Full heal Energy
2 Potion Energy
19 Psychic Energy

Xhad:  Now, the deck mechs like to use helper
personalities to bash, er, ridicule, um..."help" decks
like this.  Most people use Pokemon, or something
similarly dynamic.  I prefer something a bit

(lifts a giant rock from beneath his desk...)

Xhad:  Rock, please look over this article.

Rock:  ...

Xhad:  I will translate...

Rock:  ...(Starting with the Pokemon, are you insane?
Three evolution lines is workable, but not with a
1-1-1 Stage 2 and a 2-2-2 Stage 2!  A 2-2 Stage 1 is
better, but not by much.  And even with these neurotic
evolution lines, this guy dares to play with PORYGONS,
one of them Base!  He says that he can "Make your
whole opposing team weak
agenst youm with some time"...um...benching cancels
all effects, including conversion, which means that
you can only have one psychic weak that wasn't already
psychic weak at a time.  The only commendable thing
here is that this guy plays 2 Scythers and 2
Mewtwos...sure, I'd make them both MP, but still...)

Rock:  ...(As for trainers:  ER is good, so is Bill.
Energy Circulation, I've heard various translations,
most of which says you only grab 2
Energy...Potions...he says they're to keep the
Porygons alive, apparently not realizing that in
late-game (and usually early game) any good player
will have a 30+ move anyway...Goop Gas Attack.  Not a
bad card, and OK in this deck (considering that the
only Pokemon with powers are TR Drowzee and Sabrina's
Alakazam; TR Drowzee's can be used before the Goop,
and Sab's Kazam will never hit the board against a
good player anyway...), but I have to laugh at this
description:  "Goops Gas- Should be in all decks. You
never know when you wanna stop a
Mr.Mime, Aerodactyl, Or Some Muk stopping ya.
I can just see this in a game:

Player 1:  "I played Muk!  No one can use Pokemon
Player 2:  "Oh, yeah?  Well, I'll play Goop Gas
attack, so no one can use Pokemon Powers until the end
of your next turn!"

Kinda dumb, huh?  I think those slots would be better
used if you put in some stuff like Oaks and Searches
so you might actually get some evolutions out, no?)

Rock:  ...(For the energy:  Not bad in and of itself,
although one might argue a bit much (especially with
the Rocket Energies) in light of the fact that the
trainer count is sick.  Potion Energy is only good if
a lot of you pokemon have single colorless symbols in
their attacks, and Full Heal Energy is more useful in
decks that heavily rely on Pokemon Powers...)

Xhad:  And there you have it.  Sorry, pal, but this
deck isn't exactly murderous.  Since you apparently
have the internet, I'd suggest you try playing against
some people in the Pojo Apprentice League and see how
your deck performs there.  Chances are, it won't.

Rock:  ...

Xhad:  Be nice.  And no, I'm not paying you.

Rock:  ...

Xhad:  Ok, you go see how many people pay for your
ellipses.  Anyway, my addy is cmiller@ossm.edu, for
those interested.  Rock might have gotten an e-mail,
but those darned wrestling fans probably have every
variation already...