I used to think, when reading your deck reports, that you were at least a decent player, but after reading your "End of Wigglytuff" article and your "top 10 cards not to put in a psychic deck article" I have lost that notion. Here are some things wrong with it.
First of all, you mention how Dark Golduck is a solution to wigglytuff with its "decent HP". I mean really, those big beefy 60 hit points will stand up really well against a Wigglytuff .(Note the Heavy Sarcasm)
Second, you mention the, quote, "weak and useless pokemon that just sit on the bench and do nothing." Well, if you consider Scyther and Hitmonchan (along with the other BBP's) weak and useless than you must have some serious problems.
Third, you state that players often forget to charge up their benched pokemon. You have probably never played a GOOD player of Wigglytuff, as most, (myself included) are wary of our benched poke's and never, if possible, leave them energyless.
Fourth, once again, you mention how a 60 Hp Pokemon (Dark Arbok) works well against Wiggly. While Dark Arbok is good, he's still a One-Hit KO for a wigglytuff.
Fifth, you also mention how, with ERs and SERs, and some time, you could KO the wiggly with Arbok. Once again, GOOD wiggly players are ready for Energy Removal, with Lasses and Rocket Sneak Attacks on hand. Also, note how a Wiggly deck uses SPEED, therefore time is not a luxury you'll often have against Wiggly.
Sixth, you state that there is nothing but a bunch of useless trainers in Wigglytuff decks, further backing my proof that you are an idiot. If you consider Bill, Oak, Comp. Search, and the like useless, I honestly don't know how you win.
Finally, you are a total hypocrite, bashing Wigglytuff when you yourself play an archetype.

    Next time, before you write, try playing some good users of the deck you are bashing, and see how easily you lose.
P.S. I may sound a bit of a braggart but I consider myself fairly good with Wigglytuff decks. Oh yeah, I don't mean to bash any of you who aren't good with wiggly, sorry if I did.
    Sean Norris signing off.
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