Hey everyone reading this. Whazzat? Bored with your Haymaker?  Your
Raindance is too "done"? OK, make a new deck. Why did I have to tell you
that? Oh, I see. You've tried, but you have no strategy. Well, I can make
your Haymaker fun again. the very best way I know of is
Miniaturize it! Yeah, take out those Hitmonchans. Machops have the same
basic principle. Electabuzzes can be exchanged for regular Pikachus. Scyther
can use his 0 retreat cost to make way for Farfetch'd. OK, OK, you can keep
ONE Ditto or SER but try to keep your deck with no rares. Why does that make
it more fun? Well, the new Pokés work in almost the same way as the old ones
but require more strategy. All your new guys are in danger of being KO'd
next turn, instead of flashing 70 HP to stay alive at least 3 more turns.
Also, for example, 'Chop can't Special Punch through a Fight Resist, and
Farfetch'd can't duck out (no pun intended) for free at the slightest whiff
of trouble. See what I mean? Now let's work on Raindance...

No, Blastoise and even Wartortle must go. Gyarados is a no-no. Even
Poliwrath has to go bye-bye. Let's start from scratch, shall we? First of
all, all you star-powered wimps out there can keep A) 1 Lapras, B) 1
Articuno, or C) 2 Dewgongs (just too powerful to be allowed in the
mini-version) if you MUST. Miniaturization of this would have been nearly
impossible 4 or 5 months ago but Fossil does wonders. Golduck makes a nice
Poliwrath and Seadra and Omastar make good Blastoises. Unfortunately,
Gyarados is kinda outta luck. Now, a summary of some un/commons which are
too good even to be in mini-version...

Oak (well, I suppose you can keep him, but Gambler is better)
Pokémon Center
Base Haunter
Slowbro (I know what you're doing. NO DAMAGE SWAP OR ANYTHING LIKE IT IN

Now, a couple stars which you CAN have IF you limit it to only ONE (2 if it
has a * by it).

Item Finder*
CPU Search
Imposter Oak
Clefairy Doll***
Movie Electabuzz*
Super Energy Removal

Yes, I know that there are other ways to breath life into boring archetypes
but they can't all be explored in one little post and this is the one that
works best for me. Later Pojoheads!

Zach "Dr. Andonuts" Davis


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