Hey pojo just writing (again) to talk about a few things.  Well the title
explains it all.  Little kids.  You just have to wonder.  First of all most
little kids in the game of Pokemon are, lets face it, protected by their
parents.  We all know that little kids love the Charizards and those big
"strong" (gay)  pokemon.  Lets see Pikachu can do thirty damage with 50/50
chance of doing 10 damage to itself now lets see hmmm...  Articuno,  special
card 30 damage50/50 paralysis.  See ya pickachu.  Now lets continue on.  The
parents think the older kids 12 and up usually are a bunch of theiving
mennaces to society.  Well I must say that I hate them, alot, without mercy. 
Sure we have our times when we can cheat em out of a non holo vileplum for a
holo hitmochan because vileplume can do a 120 damage.  Congrats when you get
all 120 damage.  Well that all and goodnight.
Hate mail send to me Kakarot at