Hi, it's Cool Case again, with another cool deck. Here it is!

24 Electric Energy

4 Double Colorless Energy

4 Dratini

4 Dragonair

1 Dragonite (Promo)

2 Dragonite (Fossil)

4 Pidgey

3 Pidgeotto

1 Pidgeot

2 Jigglypuff

1 Wigglytuff

1 Chansey

2 Kangaskhan

2 Ditto

2 Recycle

2 Super Potion

1 Pokemon Center

This is a great deck! It has only lost 2 times, both times to an
Electric Deck-the kind with 4 Zapdoes, 2 Raichu, 3 Electabuzzes, etc.
And what's with the Chansey? Well, just because Chansey has 120HP,
people think all it can do is stall. THEY'RE WRONG! A Chansey will take
down 2 of your opponents pokemon (with 2 Double Edges!) You just won 1
third of the game! And with those super potions heal Chansey and then
you can just Double Edge the night away! But however... I do have 3
great stallers in this deck-Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff and Kangaskhan.
Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff lullaby forever (well, no, but your opponent
has to get the coin flips just right) and Kangaskhan will be fetchin'
you cards for a long time with 90HP...

So if you can find the cards to make this deck, MAKE IT! I guarentee
(well, no) but I'll bet you'll win if you learn how to use this deck!

-Cool Case
