Hi Pojo,
            As, with most things we Brits get things later which is really annoying when I see "oh I just used a Pinsir with a couple of fossils and (insert non-basic set card here" and made a great deck!" Why can't WotC give us Jungle and Fossil. Loads of people I know collect it at my school alone. Yeah I'm 12 but I'm not a dumb no-trade infant, I mean Kindergarten, or something. I read this website loads, I make (probably fair) trades, I know the REAL rules and tweak my deck loads. The people I know who collect Poke TCG are mostly quite clever. I've never seen a Haymaker or played in a tournie because this is the UK. Grrrr, why can't Europe have lots of stuff we can get first.
Oliver Britton.