Hello Pojo, I would like to submit my veiws on Reasons that two-three color
decks are better than all others.

Reasons that two to three color decks are better than 1 or four color decks,
and strategies to make 2-3 color decks

1.  In single color decks, there is always going to be one type of pokemon
that can kill your deck, unless your deck is colorless, you can be very
easily defeated by some deck that your pokemon have a weakness to
2. In mostly all potpourri decks, you have an extremely good chance of not
drawing the right energy right away, and if you dont get an energy search,
could be killed on the spot by some scyther or electabuzz
3. When making a two color deck, always remember to throw together two types
that will help each other out. For example, Fire and Electric together make
for a great team to go against the local raindance deck, use the fire pokemon
when the opponent is paralyzed or switch to the electric types when they are
in good condition
4. Three color decks, the only thing that you should change from the two
color decks, is that you should put in colorless pokemon to help stall, or do
quick damage