Okay, everyone's trying to bash the big 3.  You know, stalls, haymakers, rain
dances.  Ironically, I have (or have had) all 3.  Well, my hay's not what
most would call a hay, but that's beside the point.  I've come up with ways
to stop these decks cold.

In this corner....
The You-Love-It-Or-Hate-It Hay!

And in this corner....
Simple.  They use Bills and Oaks, right?  Lass shuffles those back for
another day, right?  And Psyduck's Headache also keeps them off the table,
right?  And Omanyte's Clairvoyance tells you when to use these, right?

The next match on the card is:

The "Hold-em-up" Staller vs. ?
There's a few ways to handle this.  You could pull out Muk, which stops
Damage Swap and Cowardice cold.  Or you can pull out Aerodactyl, which keeps
them at the less-useful-in-a-stall Kadabra, or (whoopeee!) Abra!  Then just
use everyone's favorite weather effect, Gust of Wind, and >BOOM< there's a
prize.  Then there's Headache again, keeping the Fuji and the Scoops at bay,
along with the Pokémon Centers!  Psyduck and Muk combined can keep a lot of
the damage on the table, namely on their side.

And for the finale:

The I-Can't-Think-of-a-Nickname-Cuz-I'm-Writing-This-At-2-AM Raindance.

Again, PSYDUCK!  Stops Bills and Oaks cold.  Also holds that 3-retreat
Gyarados that much longer. What's Misty's problem?  Also, if you use Energy
Denial, be sure to have Mewtwo.  Denial can't do that much, so if you can't
cart it all to their discard pile, you might as well give 'em you-know-what
for it!  Also, try Clairvoyance with an Imposter Oak.  Any clutch cards just
slip away.....

Well that's my 2 cents on how to whip the Big 3.  If anyone ever tries to use
these against me, I'm gonna be kicking myself under the table.  Here's hoping.
