Three Unofficial Variations of Pokemon TCG

Here are three unoffical variations of Pokemon TCG.
These alternate rules each have their own advantages, as compared
with the "official" version:

1.  Poverty Pokemon.  Only common cards can be used (cards with a round
circle in the lower right corner), and basic energy cards (no Double
Colorless Energy).  This creates a level playing field, eliminating the
unfair advantage of those rich enough to buy all the rare cards they want.
I think all tournaments should have a subdivision for Poverty Pokemon, so
those players new to the game won't be intimidated and discouraged by
playing opponents who have superpowered decks.  I always feel sorry when
facing such players in a tournament; their playing skills are often
excellent, but their low-HP cards just don't stand a chance.

2.  Non-Blackout Pokemon.  No Energy Removal or Super Energy Removal cards
are allowed.  It has become necessary in winning tournament play to have
plenty of Energy Removal and Super Energy Removal cards--because if your
opponent has them and you don't, then you will be drained of energy while
he/she has plenty.  This variation, in which those cards are prohibited,
allows you to use a much wider variety of trainer cards.  If you wish to
remove energy from your opponent, it can only be done via Pokemon attacks,
such as with Dragonair, Poliwrath, Golduck.

3.  Raw Pokemon.  No trainer cards are allowed, only Pokemon and energy
cards.  Game motto:  Trainer cards are for wimps!  Multi-colored decks have
a better chance in this variation.

Bruce Long