Pojo! It's OrangeOreo. Please post this under "Tournament Philosophies."
    Over the next couple of weeks, I will try to make it my goal to explain to you the mechanics that go into each of the archtypes, how they are played, and then finally how to beat them.
This week it is... HAYMAKER!
    In the Haymaker deck, the Pokemon are all versatile, be it in the speed of it's attack or it's retreat cost. These Pokemon include Scyther, Electabuzz, and Hitmonchan. Thses are all the Pokemon that make up the base of the Haymaker, and others may be added, such as Lapras of even Wigglytuff.
    The Haymaker is played by putting out a Pokemon with a low energy cost, and start doing damage on the first turn, while also building others on the bench. The Haymaker doesn't rely on Trainers, as most people think. The point of these decks is not to draw a lot of cards, but to get enough energy for attacks. Since the energy costs don't amount to much, you should always have 1 or 2 extra energies in your hand.
    Now, the part you've been waiting for, how to beat the infamous Haymaker deck! The only surefire way to beat a Haymaker deck is by doing this.....YOU CAN'T! Yes, you read correctly, you can never make a deck that for sure will beat that darn Haymaker. Why? Because parts of the Pokemon TCG depend upon luck. You won't be able to think up a deck in which every card you draw works for you, it's just impossible. Although it may favor you many times, there will always be a time when you draw a bad hand, or the good cards are at the bottom. There is a way to TRY to beat the Haymaker, though. The one way to try and beat Haymaker is to either resist it or match it's speed. Yes, this means you may also have to play a Haymaker Variant, but it could be a totalloy different one, using Lapras as Hitmonchan, Jigglypuff as Scyther, and Ditto to copy all of the rest.
    Although we can never exceed the dominance of Haymaker, Raindance,etc., we can certainly match it at it's own game.
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where I, OrangeOreo, reside.