Hi, The other day I bought a Cracked Magazine fom Wal-Mart and inside of the Magazine it had 9
Puke-Mon Cards in it.They are
Pik'n'chew Picture:Pikachu picking its nose 1/2 HP Evolves from Pik'n'spew
Attacks:Nuclear Snottack-Does 30 damage every time Pik'n'chew shakes opponets hand
Mining-Draw 2 cards.Then draw a horsie and a kitty cat.
Blastnoise Picture:Blastoise Burbing .008 HP Attacks:Gasso-does 10 damage to any opponet with a weak stomach.N'Stink-Can belch out 5 Celine Dion tunes better than she can sing them 5
Mr.Ma'am Picture:A female MrMime   1/2 HP Attacks:Eau d' Smelly-Uses cheap perfume to over power opponets(does not work against Snorlax who has a deviated septum)5 0'Clock Shadow-Does 10 damage to itself if it forgets to shave in the morning.
JarJarmander Picture:the face of JarJar Binks but the body of Charmander  32 degrees HP  Attacks:Binks Blaze-Captures an opponet in a ring of fire,then force it to listen as he recites lines from his movie.Over Hype-If opponet knocks out jarjarmander during its next turn thank it profusely.
Idgeot Picture: a messed up Pidgeot flying into a tree   What's a HP? Attacks:Doofus-Flip Idgeot if he lands on his head don't worry there's nothing up there to hurt.Goofy-Does 10 damage to eachPukemon by accidently stepping on there toes,tripping over them,closing doors on their fingers,ect.
Jigglytush Picture:A Jigglypuff with a big butt. Infinit HP Attacks:Blubber Butt Slam-Smothers opponet with a mass of cellulite.Thunder Thighs-Flip a coin.If it lands in one of Jigglytush's skin folds leave it there-400
Psychoduck Picture:Psyduck with an ax and blood every where  Pi sign HP Attacks:Spooky-Use this card to stalk other pukemon.Medicate-Flip a coin.If heads,listen to voice-in-head #1If tails listen to voice-in-head #2.
Meowch Picture:A picture of Meowth getting hit in the foot with a hammer by a Rattata  -45 HP
Attacks:Super Hypochondiac-Bores other Pukemon with complaints about swalowing own hairballs.Pain-Flip a coin if tails call a lawyer and do 50 dammage to the bank acount of the idiot who left that ball on the stairs for you to trip over.
Energy:Steroids Picture:A RX bottle of steroids.
Chris Francis