Heya All! After pojo posted my first article, I decided to write more..here is my latest article on Deck building...
First of all, decide on what type of Pokemon u want in your deck or maybe put in your favourite pokemons.Then calculate how much energy is needed for your deck, there is a article on calculating the energy for your deck in the fetured article section, check it out.
Now, Look at your pokemon. See whether you can come up with a stradagy or two and gather the cards that you need for the combo. Then the trainers, Some Powerful trainers will be Computer Search, Item Finder, NGR and Prof.Oak should be in your deck as they are real good and really strong.
One most important thing, Check the your deck has 60 cards. You know why I said this? Because I saw a guy(9-10) wanting to play with me with his 136 card deck, that's one problem with people, you know.
Finally, your deck is ready! Now playtest your deck with your friends or someone, if it is good against your friends, Great! But still you will have to make amendments and battle with your deck's weaknesses. If you are still not sure that it is good enough, send it to the Deck Garage or ask an expert in your area to look at it.
And never ever battle a Ditto deck against a Muk Deck, because like a article i saw said, "Ditto is dead, End of story" What i mean is create your deck against your opponent, like in my area, most play psychic decks, so i recommand a Colorless deck but i don't play a colorless deck, i got a poison deck that is weak against Psychic, why? A challeage and lack of cards.
That's all i have for now,
Hatemail and anything(no Viruses please) Send to kenneth89@pacific.net.sg
If it does work,don't e-mail me and say i am no good.