Hello to all players of the Pokemon Trading Card Game!

Today I'm writing this article about one card that people either love or
hate, Rocket's Mewtwo.
First the Stats:
Name: Rocket's Mewtwo
Type: Psychic
Evolution: Basic
HP: 70
Weakness: Psychic
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: -CC
Pokemon Powers: None
Attacks: -P- Juxtapose - Flip a coin if heads switch the number of damage
on Rocket's Mewtwo with the amount of damage counters on the defending
Pokemon. (Even if it would knock out either Pokemon.)(It's omay if only 1
Pokemon has damage counters on it.)
         -PP- Hypnoblast -20- Flip a coin if heads the defending Pokemon is
now asleep.
    -PPPC- Psyburn -60-
Rarity: Rare Holofoil
Expansion: Gym Challenge

    Well the first thing people notice when they look at this card is its 3
attacks. In fact it's the only card to have 3 attacks in the entire TCG. Now,
before I rate the attacks I'll go over the other parts (HP, Weakness, etc.).
The HP is quite good for Mewtwo, equal to MP Mewtwo's also. The Weakness
doesn't surprise since all psychic Pokemon cards (excluding ghost Pokemon
with psychic type cards) have it.
No resistance doesn't really affect this card (good or bad). Retreat Cost is
O.K. for Hp and the fact that MP and Base Set 1 have the same Retreat as well.
    Now for the attacks: Juxtapose is a little risky, only a 50/50 chance of
working, but it can be quite useul at times. If you like to live dangerously
use it. Hypnoblast is very Base Set 1, flipping for sleep is a little chancy
but 20 damage is good for the price so overall hypnoblast is good. Finally,
Psyburn, a 4-energy attack. Although quite expensive it's quite useful to
power up on the bench then attack.
    Overall this card is not perfect but is (most of the time) good in a
game. I'd expect to see this alot in future league play and future STSs. I'd
personally play it. Overall it gets a 9.0. Good but not broken or great.

Signing Off - Duo Maxwell, The God of Death
If anyone has any questions on this article e-mail me at MuzacFan22@aol.com